Thank you so much for reading and responding, Chun!! And I am so sorry for your loss as well, you are right, losing a parent is one of the hardest, most life-altering experiences to go through. I can definitely relate to the asking why or wanting to blame someone — I was just angry for a long time…probably still am sometimes. But, I think your questions that you asked yourself based on “what” were very profound and great advice for anyone struggling with loss…I think the “what could you do about this experience” is what prompted me to write my story and get help for my Hep C — which seemed like the best possible action to take in response to her death. And I know she isn’t gone, I still talk to her, I still tell her that I love her, and while I wish more than anything that she could respond, I know she hears me. And I am sure that your Mom hears you, too.